It has been a full week since i have posted! That is so not like me.....more so like
Lisa. Anywho, i have a good excuse. I swear!!!!!!! We have had some special visitors at the center, and here's the
article to prove i'm not lying! Take a gander at the article.....i'll wait.....if your not in the mood to read the whole thing...just scan.
Ok .........did you read it. So needless to say we have had our hands full. Did you by any chance get a a good look at the photo in the article? Yes your's me. Don't get me wrong i love making the paper, in color no less, but let me just step back for a minute. When you think of yourself in the paper, you get excited. EVERYONE is going to see me....ME...IN THE PAPER! Thats so cool!
That being said let me remind you of what MY picture in the paper looked like......
Don't get me wrong this picture is great, and the
woman who took it....AMAZING. The peli's look bird-a-rific!!! And then there is me.....please let me explain. How pretty am i? Coming off the oscars red carpet this week, i think these are the areas joan and melissa would find most tragic of my ensemble.
List of things i will try not to wear in my next newspaper appearance...
Gross oversized TAPPERED scrubs complete with work cell phone and pager accessories
Ill-fitting americorps t-shirt complete with bird-poop
Sexy yellow rubber gloves
A double chin
Weird concentration expression hoping pelican does not bite off my fingers
Pen in my hair giving me the delightful antenna look
and last but not least, my hair poof from the night before....just not necessary Katie!
Just for the record i was unaware the pictures were going to be taken that day, and there was just no escaping it. Press opportunities come at the darndest times!! Regardless...i love me some pelican and they are getting better and doing great!!! I'm sad they got off track and can't wait to get them back out where they belong...ok thats all for now. i'll be better this week. I promise!