I was watching the girls the other day and decided I needed a snack. Knowing Maeve i made sure to bring her a snack too. It was baked cheetos for me and goldfish for maeve. I brought out the little cup of goodies and made sure it was clear that the goldfish were for her and the cheetos for me. We both went on our way and watched diego with our said snacks until I decided i wanted a goldfish. I asked Maeve if i could have one....she sweetly nodded probably thinking "she won't really do it". Sure enough I took a goldfish out of our community bowl and put it in my mouth. This next few seconds was in slow motion. Maeve went into blind rage. She initially screamed "noooooo" and sure as shit she thrust her hand into my mouth. INTO MY MOUTH! I'm not sure if she was trying to save the soldier or if she was just so mad that I ate one of her goldfish she wanted it back. Either way I was so surprised that she did that i immediatly broke out in laughter. Mistake number 2 on my part. Maeve got piiiiiissedd. This was
no laughing matter. She starred my down with a look of death. I quickly compsed myself and told her I was very sorry and offered her one of my snacks. There was a period of akward silence between us as we watched the end of Diego. We both finished our snacks and went about the rest of our day together.
I have completely learned my lesson and I completely understand where she is coming from. It is now very clear that Katie AND Maeve don't share food. Just an FYI.
PS...yes that is a chip clip in her hair....she did it all by herself. :)