Tuesday, April 24, 2007

All work and no play makes KT not happy

OK so two oil spills and a vacation have put me in a lazy blog mode. I know your saying...
"you're on vacation and you can't find time to blog!?!"
Well let me sum it up for you:

This is the view from our porch, onto our private beach....hmmmm....blog, beach...blog, beach...the decision is KILLING ME!!!! Yeah not so much. I'll do my best to get some pics up but i'm not promising anything!

PS this is where i almoswt acceped a job 2 years ago. I'm very glad i didn't due to the current job i have, but damn i would have been the tannest person EVER!

Later kiddies!!!

1 brilliant thoughts by others:

Mike Garvey said...

I'm surprised by how much I miss that view.