Friday, September 08, 2006

Happiness is Lake Erie

If you know me you are aware that i have a small obsession..or shall we call it love for funny and or interesting t-shirts. I already have QUITE the collection and i continue to collect every chance i get. I have become a HUGE fan of a t-shirt website called threadless tees. It's a brilliant site where people sumbit designs for shirts and then people vote and the most popular ones get made. I have a few shirts from their site and there are so many more that i can't wait to own! SO hint hint...if your ever strapped for something to buy's a sure win. :)

Here are just a sample of the hilarious shirts they sell. Enjoy!!!

2 brilliant thoughts by others:

Peter said...

I miss you in the snow.

I have a couple from threadless. Cool site.



Anonymous said...

I actually requested that the Milk Family be reprinted because that is just gorgeous.