Monday, November 19, 2007

Just one of them days

Did you ever have one of those days where you just can't tell your head from your butt. I'm having one of those days. It started when i took the wrong way to work this morning...even though i have been making the same trip every single day for the past 4 months. I then decided to leave work today without my coat on....i may be one to wear flip flops everyday of the year but it's damn did i forget my coat?! I then went to school to do some tutoring and fell asleep in the lounge and missed big shakes no one was expecting me...i was just going to show up and see if anyone needed help...but still...seriously?! I found out i have a crazy semester coming up this spring and it is really going to screw me up schedule-wise and financially. Needless to say i'm not having the best of days. So here i am sitting in one of the nice, new (new to me) Canisius lounges trying to concentrate on some homework. It's not working...wanna know why? I wanna be here. Doing this. Yeah yeah....i know i know....i moved home...i'm working towards a great stable career in a field i love. But that does not take away the fact that i def miss the crap out of working with the birdies...why can't i have the best of both worlds?! There HAS to be a local population of deaf or hard of hearing oiled wildlife that need me, right? And they are right here in WNY, right? Yeah i didn't think's that kinda day. I think this funk comes from the fact that i hate school...i will get through it because i want the end result but please bear with me...i think i am going to be complaining some more before i have accomplished my goal next spring....oh, may of 2009 how i long to be near you.

Things can only get better from here favorite back to back holidays are coming up and i'm ecstatic! I also have someone in my life this year that will make the holidays even funner...yeah i said it...FUNNER! My breaks from school are coming up i can catch up on my TV and induldge in the plethera of cookies these upcoming holidays will provide. ok kids be good and holla at your girl.....have a great turkey day!!!!!
Gobble Gobble!

3 brilliant thoughts by others:

Anonymous said...

OK. We knew it would be the supreme test. I feel bad that I'm just seeing this on Thanksgiving morning. Because way up on the top of the list of "what I'm thankfull for" is the fact that my Katie is back home. Keep kvetching, it really does help. But, keep your sense of humor too. Maybe I can contact those nice people at Make a Wish, and we can send you to an oil spill!!

Anonymous said...

I will FIND you some needy birds girl! Just know how blessed we all feel to have you back here, and how much we all need you. And, yes, I know what you mean, as sometimes I miss the beach so much I can smell,feel,taste it!

Leah said...

Hang in there!!! Bitch about it all you need to and feel frustrated and then know that the grass ain't always greener...
You are a good person who will make a difference anywhere you are.