Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow....errrr Wind day!

I'm sitting on my couch deciding how productive i actually want to be today...let's be honost i don't want to do a whole lot of anything...but my stupid anxiety bug tells me to get going on my work and lessen the hair i will loss at the end of the year when i have more work to do than i can stand.

My mother has always hated the wind...i don't usually mind it...but today is the exception. I live in what looks to be a very stable two family home. The house is not only's swaying!!! What is that about?! So just for today mom...i also hate the wind. So there.

So for those of you who have off today due to dear mother nature...enjoy!! Try not to blow away...i don't want to have leave the safe haven of my swaying house to find any of you hangingon for dear life to a telephone pole as you are horizontally oriented from the 60 mph winds. For those of you who had to work today...i am sorry for you all. :)

1 brilliant thoughts by others:

Esther said...

I was seasick by the time I went to work. Yes, I had to work.