Thursday, July 05, 2007

Catching up

So i'm back in the office and ready to tell you about my trip to Cali. We had a blast. There was some work thrown in there but as you see from the pictures, we had a good time.

This was the view from the deck of the hotel.....The weather was like this EVERYDAY!

We got to stay in a fancy dancy hotel.....feather beds and all

Sarah kicked things off by kissing the sea lion for good luck...not that we needed it

This is the vew from the top deck at the hotel....did i mention it was beautiful

Yes that is Betty White and no i did not get her autograph or thank her for being a friend. She was the guest speaker that kicked off the conference. She is about 195 and the cutest damn thing EVER!!!!! She left right after she spoke not giving me the chance to tackle her and get a better picture.

We had a great opportunity to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium after hours and enjoy a strolling banquet. There was incredible food and you got to tour the aquarium at your leisure without the crowds. So cool!!!! OH and no this is not a seagull....this is an Albatross! The closest i will ever be to this UBER cool bird!

Another great view of the Bay

Some really great flowers....just for you Dad.

More flowers

This is the before pic of Sarah and I. This was before we shoved off and went on a boat trip with some researchers to do some night capture of Seabirds. I say this is the before picture, because shortly after this our boat was navigating 15ft ocean swells....I'm working on getting the video of us experiencing these huge ass waves. It's hilarious!!!!

This last picture was on the flight back to DE. As we were flying over Utah or some similar state that falls between California and Texas i looked out the window and saw this...i don't know about you but i think the name of this town should be "Pie Chart Town". If anyone knows what these actually are...don't tell me....i would like to remain calling this place "Pie chart town".

From beginning to end we had a great trip!!!!

1 brilliant thoughts by others:

Anonymous said...

KT its ryan...cyber stalking brought me here...the photos are great..especially the last...I know what they are...but your definition is way better and from now on they are just giant pie charts..perhaps they describe the otherwise boring statistics of the folk from the particular town? Anywho photos are great..hook them into Facebook...

hope your well. b-lo