Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Merry Almost Hump Day

When i was little and it was around christmas time i would wait and wait and wait for the JCPenny catalog to arrive. I woud RUN into the living room with my little strips of scrap paper and turn directly to the toy section and begin to bookmark everything i "needed" that year. I thought it was ridiculous that i would have to write a list for santa when I had already marked all my necessities in the catalog. Why couldn't i just send him the catalog, it would be double my work to rewrite everything. Nonsense.

Needless to say I grew out of the JCPenny catalog bookmarking and making lists for Santa. Not because i didn't want to do it anymore but becuase i was too "old" for such things. I am happy to say that I am now older and wiser and have discovered the most brilliant thing ever. I owe this discovery to my fabulous brother-in-law Mikey. He introduced me to the wish list feature on Amazon.com.

So if anyone gets stumped in buying me the coolest gift ever...i got you covered. :)

Oh and in-case you recently crashed your hard drive like i did (twice) i turn 27 in 100 days. Oh and did i mention that i will be in town for this one for the first time in god only knows how long. :) WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 brilliant thoughts by others:

Mike Garvey said...

I'm nothing if not a mouthpiece for materialism.