Sunday, March 02, 2008

Tis a gift to be simple......

So here I am at 11:21 on day 2 of our blogging venture and i am stumped. Todays topic of choice is the best gift you ever received. Damn thats hard....REALLY hard. There have been so many gift recieving events in my life how does one choose. And it's not that i am afraid i will offend someone by not choosing a gift that they gave me at some point....i really just don't know. I could rattle off several winners some of which are a latch-hook, a burping cabbage patch doll, piano lessons, pooping pigs, and flat screen tv's...... the possiblities are endless.

So i'm going to talk about the gift giving process instead. I love getting gifts. Who doesn't? And if you are one of those people who doesn't....well then are ungrateful and should just give all of your gifts to me. I also love giving gifts. I love that whoever i am giving a gift to is possibly feeling the same excitment that i feel when i get a gift. So cool. But seriously....even though i love getting gifts...i hate opening them. Not necessarily in general but in front of people...especially those who are the actual gift givers. I am afraid then when i open the unknown package i will not give them the response of excitement that they expected and are looking for. I don't know about you but as someone opens a gift i give them the general reaction i am looking for is something like this:

Now i'm not expecting you to run into walls or anything and i don't want you to fake your excitment either.... i want natual uncontrollable happiness. So in turn i feel the pressure when i am in the hot seat and opening said gifts. And this doesn't even touch the fact that i may not like the gift. Everyone has a nice face. The face you put on when you are politely laughing at someones joke, or pretending to be interested in what they are talking about, and especially when you open a bad gift. This is the typical scenario:

Kt: (opens gift with slight look of puzzlement)

Gift giver: It's a salad shooter!!!

Kt: I KNOW!!!!!! How cool!!

Gift giver: I saw you had a salad for lunch the other day and thought you would like it.

KT: (thinking of some witty and grateful to say) I can't wait to use it!!!! I love it when my carrots are cut proportional!!!!! (ASSHOLE!!!)

Gift giver: I know!!!!

SO Now do you see why i stress? Gift recieving can be very taxing on ones mind. So the moral of this post? Buy me stuff...i love stuff, and even if i don't i PROMISE i will come up with a reason why i might like it. Need some help? No worries...i got you covered. See you tomorrow!

0 brilliant thoughts by others: